Benefits of running

6 Amazing Benefits of Running You Might Not Have Known!

Becoming a runner changes your life. You may know about the many benefits of running,
but there’s much to learn about how much it improves every aspect of your life. We all
know running is extremely good for us. Not only does it improve the way we look and feel,
but it also makes our hearts stronger, our minds clearer and helps us maintain our weight.
However, the benefit of running go far beyond the obvious. In fact, there isn’t a single
system in the body that does not reap major benefits from running. It gives you a total body
workout and helps in improving all aspects of your health. Here’s how:

benefits of running

1) Running reduces your risk of heart diseases:

With running as a regular form of exercise, you can reduce your risk of heart disease by up
to 35 percent. How? Running helps in reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels, along
with stopping your weight from too much fluctuation, which leads to a healthier heart. All of
these factors play an important role in cardiovascular health.

2) Running burns crazy calories:

If you wish to be healthy, then maintaining a healthy weight should be your topmost
priority, and running will help you manage it in double-quick time. You burn a ton of calories
when running, especially if you add a few sprint sections during your run. Besides, the
calories you burn while running depend on a few variables, such as your weight, age and
sex, and the weather, terrain and altitude you choose. So, even if you just maintain a nice
steady pace for 45 minutes, you’re going to burn the desired number of calories.

3) It strengthens your joints:

No running does not wreck your joints. In fact, it does the exact opposite. Running (even
decreases the risk of – and helps to treat – osteoarthritis. It sensibly helps to
keep your joints healthy by strengthening the muscles around the joints and taking the
pressure off the joints themselves. Moreover, it is found that there is a lower prevalence of
knee and hip arthritis among active marathon runners. Such are the benefits of running.

4) Running relieves stress:

Your mental health benefits from running in the same way as your physical fitness does. For
instance, if yoga isn’t your thing, running works wonders in relieving stress. It gives you your
“me time” because it takes you away from the stresses of daily life, allowing you to focus on

bettering yourself and enjoying your favourite playlist. Meanwhile, the long-term benefits of
running help in preventing mental health problems from developing.

5) It keeps your eyes healthy:

You may not know this, but your eyes are the window to your health, and just like your
heart, they’re affected by conditions like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and obesity.
Running reduces the likelihood of developing these chronic issues, which can also contribute
to cataracts. So, it also lowers your risk of developing vision-clouding cataracts too.

6) It helps you reach your goals:

Usually, people have admirable but vague goals in mind, which are poor motivators when
you don’t get your desired results. Running, however, makes you very goal-oriented. It helps
you set clear targets like running 5K without stopping, or preparing and signing up for a full
or half marathon. That boosts your confidence immensely because you’re physically doing
something tough, something you might never have thought was possible before you started.
And that translates to everything else in your life. You realise reaching your goals takes time,
work, and consistency, be it running goal, or career, financial and personal goals.

3 thoughts on “6 Amazing Benefits of Running You Might Not Have Known!”

  1. Pingback: What is the best diet for cancer patients? - Jito Marathon Blog

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